Thursday, September 19, 2013
Sunday, September 15, 2013
The Lovely Will of GOD
My best friend and me were chatting about GOD's perfect will for our lives. Our discussion was about a certain decision I made two years ago. And how it impacted me ! Early in my CHRISTian walk, I learned to hear GOD for choices I had to make. And things went well. I avoided pitfalls. I won great victories. I had also been saved from relationships that were wrong for me. More and more hearkening to GOD's voice was working wonderfully for me. Till I thought I heard GOD for another major decision... and that took me through the craziest trial of my life !
Ever since I had been too fearful to seek GOD's will again. Fearful about hearing HIM wrong and then making decisions that may have a many dimensional repurcussion (Like the last time). I started measuring and comparing everything to my seemingly bad experience. I often wondered if I heard HIM or if I heard HIM wrong... I had been desperate to getting back to the place of listening to GOD.
A couple of coffees and few hours later we just concluded that GOD will reveal HIS will to someone who sincerely seeks it - somehow or anyhow !
Then riding back on the train I opened the Women's Devotional Bible that I had just bought from the Bible book shop. I thought I'd scan through the Bible... I ramdomnly opened the Bible and couldn't believe what I was reading. The devotion was called - "The Lovely Will of GOD". Everything that we spoke about was beginning to gain perspective. By the time I finished reading it I just knew what the right thing to do was....hearken to the LORD's lovely voice - to know HIS lovely will. Just wanted to share it with you
Author: Hannah Whitall Smith
We are not wise enough to judge as to things, whether they are really in their essence joys or sorrows, but the LORD knows; and, because HE loves us with an unselfish limitless love, HE cannot fail to make the apparently hard, or cruel, or even wicked thing, work together for our best good. I say "cannot fail" simply because it is an unthinkable thing to suppose that such a GOD as ours could do otherwise.
It is no matter who starts our trial, whether human, or devil or our own foolish self, if GOD permits it to reach us, HE has by this permission made the trial HIS own, and will turn it for us into a chariot of love which will carry our souls to a place of blessing that we could not have reached any other way. I say that to the CHRISTian who hides in the fortress of GOD's will, there can be no "second causes", for nothing can penetrate into that fortress unless the Divine Keeper of the fortress shall give it permission; and this permission, when given, means that HE adopts it as being for our best good. Joseph was sold into Egypt by the wickedness of his brothers, but GOD made their wickedness the chariot that carried Joseph to his place of triumph over the Egyptians.
We may be certain therefore, more certain than we are that the sun will rise tomorrow, that GOD's will is the most lovely thing the universe contains for us; and this, not because it always looks or seems the best but because it cannot help being the best, since it is the will of infinite unselfishness and of infinite love !