Sunday, April 17, 2011

Leaving the City of Regret - Larry Harp

I had not really planned on taking a trip this time of year, and yet I found myself packing rather hurriedly. This trip was going to be unpleasant and I knew in advance that no real good would come of it. I'm talking about my annual "Guilt Trip."

I got tickets to fly there on Wish I Had airlines. It was an extremely short flight. I got my baggage, which I could not check. I chose to carry it myself all the way. It was weighted down with a thousand memories of what might have been. No one greeted me as I entered the terminal to the Regret City International Airport. I say international because people from all over the world come to this dismal town.
As I checked into the Last Resort Hotel, I noticed that they would be hosting the year's most important event, the Annual Pity Party. I wasn't going to miss that great social occasion. Many of the towns leading citizens would be there.
First, there would be the Done family, you know, Should Have, Would Have and Could Have. Then came the I Had family. You probably know ol' Wish and his clan. Of course, the Opportunities would be present, Missed and Lost. The biggest family would be the Yesterday's. There are far too many of them to count, but each one would have a very sad story to share.
Then Shattered Dreams would surely make and appearance. And It's Their Fault would regale us with stories (excuses) about how things had failed in his life, and each story would be loudly applauded by Don't Blame Me and I Couldn't Help It.
Well, to make a long story short, I went to this depressing party knowing that there would be no real benefit in doing so. And, as usual, I became very depressed. But as I thought about all of the stories of failures brought back from the past, it occurred to me that all of this trip and subsequent "pity party" could be cancelled by ME! I started to truly realize that I did not have to be there. I didn't have to be depressed. One thing kept going through my mind, I CAN'T CHANGE YESTERDAY, BUT I DO HAVE THE POWER TO MAKE TODAY A WONDERFUL DAY. I can be happy, joyous, fulfilled, encouraged, as well as encouraging. Knowing this, I left the City of Regret immediately and left no forwarding address. Am I sorry for mistakes I've made in the past? YES! But there is no physical way to undo them.
So, if you're planning a trip back to the City of Regret, please cancel all your reservations now. Instead, take a trip to a place called, Starting Again. I liked it so much that I have now taken up permanent residence there. My neighbors, the I Forgive Myselfs and the New Starts are so very helpful. By the way, you don't have to carry around heavy baggage, because the load is lifted from your shoulders upon arrival. God bless you in finding this great town. If you can find it -- it's in your own heart -- please look me up. I live on I Can Do It street.


  1. I heard Joyce Meyers read this this morning and it was so amazing how I fit into that profile. Mr Harp thank you for sharing your. I am changing my life and I know change takes time, effort and a lot of hard work. I am gonna put your story in my bible and pull it out when I need it to keep me focused with a positive out look. Thank you.
    Julio Y. Russell
    Aberden, MD

    1. Dear Mr, Harp. I too heard Joyce Meyer read it and I recorded that speech she gave, I played it over and over and now I am going to post it on my face book page and also shared it with a friend that was feeling down and she left my home in high spirits. You brought me to laughter, tears and your letter is helping me to let go of the wrongful treatment I encountered from a most recent job I quit, and to stay positive. How I need to hear this, read this and drink it up like I was parched with thirst. Thank you. Carol

  2. Love it!! I too heard this on Joyce Meyers podcast.

  3. I heard it on Joyce Meyer too and it was so powerful that I had to Google it so I can read it again and again.

  4. I can truly say that Joyce Meyer really did a great justice for many by reading this...imagine how many lives have been touched just because of this amazing writing. Mr. Harp, to God be the Glory! Thanks for this encouraging word. God Bless you always!

    Evangelist/Minister Trish Mattison
    PO BOX 3022
    Universal City, TX 78148

  5. I feel like this was my life. And I as a person that when you are setting in the company of those people you can relate. It was as if some step into my life from a far that had never meet before in life how strange it was like It was writing about me. . Annlove.

  6. Very good piece of writing. One needs to read it often to appreciate the fact that we are not alone in our defects and sin. It helped me with a new and fresh perspective on why I allow gloom in my life and just how powerful God is to remove it. Thank you for posting this.

  7. Praise God - I too heard Joyce Meyer read this today, and I love the way it's never too late to begin again with God!
    - Claudine, Long Island, NY

  8. I too was fortunate to have heard this yesterday, I pray we pass this around so others can benefit from it
    -Jude, Hamilton, New Jersey
