Wednesday, July 3, 2013

High Profiles and Big Names

I was strolling with my friend Nikita in the mall last week. We were discussing life, future plans and other things. And Nikita brought up her plan to apply for an immigrant visa sometime soon.

And thats when I remembered a girl I met in church who worked with the US Embassy. And I said it aloud... not meaning to brag but a general mention of the girl. And the mention of this got Nikita very excited. She was so happy about having a contact/ reference in the Embassy and already began imagining how easy the visa process could be !

I told her that the girl doesnt work here anymore and has returned to the States. And the mention of this brought such disappointment to Nikita that she could barely hide it.

And I quickly realized that there was a way to save the situation and her mood !

I told her not to worry about the girl who doesnt work here anymore because I have a bigger reference. Someone I know many levels higher who could help her get the visa very very easily with absolutely no hassles. I told her that this person I know is so influential that even the interview process will be a smooth sail through. And I told her that this person is so important and powerful that even Obama would have to listen to him... and his name is JESUS !

The mention of that suddenly seemed too cliche for my friend... you could tell from her expression that she was expecting a real person's name. Like Mr Simon Smith or Andy Drew or John Cooper  or something like that.

It brought to my memory the many times I have approached JESUS like that. Like as if HE isnt real or alive or able. I have been so familiar about HIM that I would rather look for a job  with a reference than with JESUS HIMself. I would rather depend on a real person with a real name than the biggest influence that goes with me. Many times I catch myself envying the daughter of Bill Gates or Narendra Modi or Sanjay Dutt for all the benefits they have because their father's are powerful and people of influence.

And that's when the HOLY SPIRIT reminds me that my FATHER is the KING of kings and the NAME above every name and that I am an undercover princess with a mansion in Heaven !

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