Friday, October 25, 2013

A House is NOT a Home - Thomas Schaller

Recently, in Baltimore, a car load of us passed by a few blocks of newly built houses. They were architecturally "homey" with beautiful bright colors - red, yellow, and pastel blues, with small yards and nooks and crannies of various shapes and configurations. Big, ugly apartment buildings built in the 1950s were torn down to make room for these lovely 21st century houses.

Looking at those beautiful homes provoked questions. Are there families that live in them? Are the families connected? Are they talking? Are they caring? Do they have a sense of value in regards to a home? Is there a dad? Do they resolve conflicts? Do they leave their emotions at the door? Does dad have a vision for his family? Does mom support dad in the vision? Is God in the home? Do the children have family memories to cherish? A house, four walls and a roof, cannot produce a home. What does it take?

This month we are teaching a series on "The Home Front." Consider the challenge:

* 85 percent of the babies born in Pittsburgh do not have a father present
* The teenage suicide rate has tripled since 1968 across our country
* 1.5 million babies a year are aborted in the U.S.
* Wife beating and sexual abuse of girls under 16 years of age is at an all-time high.
* How many of us know a divorcee? The divorce rate hovers at 50%

The proverb that states "wisdom has built her house but the foolish pluck it down with her hands" is very relevant (Proverbs 14:1). We must make every effort to help one another in this great enterprise of raising a family. People need our help. We have been blessed by God's grace in living a full life through the wisdom that comes from above. Our lives are not perfect, but we have found a divine resource. We have found the Word of God speaking. We have found the gifts of Christ in the Body of Christ. We have found the power to deny ourselves for the good of the family. We have found good friendships - where iron sharpens iron. People all around us need help and encouragement and godly advice. It is a great gift to us that we have more than houses, we have homes. 

Thursday, October 3, 2013

HE knows...

Have you watched this documentary on Mumbai trains ?
Made by BBC, it shows you the crazy crazy rush on the city's trains. I call it the inhumane rail travel in Mumbai !

I was on my way to work and waited for my train at my usual platform # 4. Since my train was scheduled for much later... I just stood around and watched. I watched the routine fight people go through get into an already crowded compartment even as people are fighting to get out. In these trains, people get elbowed, crushed, pushed and shoved. Its like a real fight.

As I watched on, my eyes got hold of a little guy so timid and so tiny. He wore a rickshaw driver's uniform. So I knew he just handed over his rickshaw to the owner and was now on his way back home. Surely after a 12 hour shift. He looked tired and hungry.

Everytime he tried to enter the train, he was pushed out by the people getting off and the people getting in were too busy trying to get in before him. He kept missing the train. He looked like a little rat scampering around the place. Unable to defend himself he kept missing the trains. I began to feel really bad for him. He was helpless and weak. For one moment I became furious because people were too busy to help or even notice. No one cared for him. No one helped him to get in. Since the trains here have separate compartments for ladies and gents, I knew I myself couldn't do anything for him !

I was now beginning to see my life through this man's example. I knew that I am not very different from this poor, timid, weak and helpless man. I get pushed around, I get thrown to the ground, I get beaten to dust, I get hurt. A bump here, a scratch there, a heartache, a brain freeze. So I began praying. Then as I was praying, the LORD's comfort comforted me for this stranger. I knew that very that if I could hurt by just watching this man whom I don't even know and whom I met for the very first time, how much more does GOD my FATHER care fr him and for me! HE who collects my tears in a bottle. HE knows my hurt. My sighs and my longings are not hidden from HIM. HE knows my pain and HE heals me. HE knows the secret most longings of my heart and HE satisfies my desires with good things.

CHRISTian be comforted in this - HE knows your anxieties. HE knows the deep things of your life. HE knows the times you felt rejected and HE already had a plan to take you to a place of favor. HE knew that heart break and HE knew just what could fix it. HE is Sovereign over me and you and over the whole universe ! HE is Ominiscient - All knowing !

In the multitude of my anxious thoughts knowing that 'HE knows' comforts me. It cheers and delights my soul !

Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Lovely Will of GOD

My best friend and me were chatting about GOD's perfect will for our lives. Our discussion was about a certain decision I made two years ago. And how it impacted me ! Early in my CHRISTian walk, I learned to hear GOD for choices I had to make. And things went well. I avoided pitfalls. I won great victories. I had also been saved from relationships that were wrong for me. More and more hearkening to GOD's voice was working wonderfully for me. Till I thought I heard GOD for another major decision... and that took me through the craziest trial of my life !

Ever since I had been too fearful to seek GOD's will again. Fearful about hearing HIM wrong and then making decisions that may have a many dimensional repurcussion (Like the last time). I started measuring and comparing everything to my seemingly bad experience. I often wondered if I heard HIM or if I heard HIM wrong... I had been desperate to getting back to the place of listening to GOD.

A couple of coffees and few hours later we just concluded that GOD will reveal HIS will to someone who sincerely seeks it - somehow or anyhow !

Then riding back on the train I opened the Women's Devotional Bible that I had just bought from the Bible book shop. I thought I'd scan through the Bible... I ramdomnly opened the Bible and couldn't believe what I was reading. The devotion was called - "The Lovely Will of GOD".  Everything that we spoke about was beginning to gain perspective. By the time I finished reading it I just knew what the right thing to do was....hearken to the LORD's lovely voice - to know HIS lovely will. Just wanted to share it with you

     Author: Hannah Whitall Smith

We are not wise enough to judge as to things, whether they are really in their essence joys or sorrows, but the LORD knows; and, because HE loves us with an unselfish limitless love, HE cannot fail to make the apparently hard, or cruel, or even wicked thing, work together for our best good. I say "cannot fail" simply because it is an unthinkable thing to suppose that such a GOD as ours could do otherwise.

It is no matter who starts our trial, whether human, or devil or our own foolish self, if GOD permits it to reach us, HE has by this permission made the trial HIS own, and will turn it for us into a chariot of love which will carry our souls to a place of blessing that we could not have reached any other way. I say that to the CHRISTian who hides in the fortress of GOD's will, there can be no "second causes", for nothing can penetrate into that fortress unless the Divine Keeper of the fortress shall give it permission;  and this permission,  when given, means that HE adopts it as being for our best good. Joseph was sold into Egypt by the wickedness of his brothers, but GOD made their wickedness the chariot that carried Joseph to his place of triumph over the Egyptians.

We may be certain therefore, more certain than we are that the sun will rise tomorrow, that GOD's will is the most lovely thing the universe contains for us; and this, not because it always looks or seems the best but because it cannot help being the best, since it is the will of infinite unselfishness and of infinite love !

Monday, August 19, 2013

A Red Sock In White Laundry

The Bible says "Just a little leaven, works through the entire dough."

A couple of days ago I found out that somebody had been spreading some gossip about me. And like rumor has it... it has it all wrong. And like any other person, I didn't like the gossip that was making its rounds especially because it was about me. I couldn't find a way to defend myself or to prove myself. I thought I'll call the person who was repeating this lie and ask him to please stop. I took me just one second to realize that that would be plain stupid. Then, the very next second I had the next brilliant idea - to write to the person and ask the person to please not malign me like this. And again I knew it would be a silly thing to do. So I let that go. But I was so heartbroken about what I heard. I knew I wanted to do something about it but I didn't know what ! I dwelt on it and it made me weaker and I couldn't stop rehearsing what was said. This was day 1.

By day 2, I was worn out. I was worn out with all the thinking and hurting and rehearsing. I had allowed this into my day, into my mind and into my heart. I wanted to vent out. I wanted to mull over it. I was having a horrible day wallowing in my little pool of self-pity. I allowed bitterness to creep in and that turned into resentment and that turned into anger. I spent the whole day complaining and crying !

I was now beginning to realize how this works...

These things that we allow, paralyses our capacities to function in our GOD-given roles (Dr Carl Stevens). They render our work ineffective because our occupation is with ourselves. The Cross is no longer our point of reference or identity. I am ever so often reactionary to these schemes and ploys only to realize, much later, that I had been played by the devil. I realized that the office of the devil is to steal, plunder and destroy... but JESUS came to give us life and life in abundance ! I went to my LORD and my FRIEND to get my refill of fresh grace and love for my offender. It was not easy. It is not easy to get down on your knees and cry before your FATHER. Because naturally, our automatic response is reactionary and that of self pity. I remembered testimonies I heard or read, about CHRISTians who had forgiven the murderers of their loved ones. Who blessed those who cursed them, who gave gifts to those who stole from them. In application it was so hard to do what seemed so easy for an average CHRISTian.

So, I went to JESUS, exhausted and helpless. I felt distant. I felt angry. Spiritually nauseous...I just wanted to throw up all the bitterness and anger. 48 hours into this and I was sick of my sin. The HOLY SPIRIT was convicting me and showing me how a red sock ruins a laundry of whites.

If you are in such a place today, I just went through this whole ordeal and wanted you to know it’s just not worth it. To be angry is a natural thing to do.... but it is not spiritual. To be bitter is obvious but not healthy.

So get the red sock off and keep your white laundry white :-) "Instant" forgiveness is still the best way out !

Monday, August 12, 2013

Desperation, Riches and Satisfaction - Pastor Devendra Pandey

Luke 18:22-30

New American Standard Bible (NASB)
22 When Jesus heard this, He said to him, “One thing you still lack; sell all that you possess and distribute it to the poor, and you shall have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.” 23 But when he had heard these things, he became very sad, for he was extremely rich. 24 And Jesus looked at him and said, How hard it is for those who are wealthy to enter the kingdom of God! 25 For it is easier for a camel to [a]go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” 26 They who heard it said, “Then who can be saved?” 27 But He said, The things that are impossible with people are possible with God.”
28 Peter said, “Behold, we have left [b]our own homes and followed You.” 29 And He said to them, “Truly I say to you, there is no one who has left house or wife or brothers or parents or children, for the sake of the kingdom of God, 30 who will not receive many times as much at this time and in the age to come, eternal life.”

What do I desperately want in life ? What will satisfy me ? Position, profits, relationships, house, children, marriage ? What will satisfy me ?

Luke 16:19 JESUS tells us the story of the Rich Man and Lazarus. Lazarus ate the crumbs that fell off the Rich man's table... Lazarus was waiting for the crumbs to fall and his competition was with the dogs... Lazarus was desperate - so desperate !

Lazarus died and the angels carried him to Heaven. The rich man died and went to hell. Not because he was rich, but because he didn't hear Lazarus's message...

Do you want to hear about hell from someone who saw it ? JESUS preached more about hell than Heaven. People won't go to hell because they sinned but because they refused the grace n mercy of GOD in JESUS.

The rich man in hell was desperate.

The kind of things CHRISTians go thru in History, the kind of things missionaries go through !

I can really be in the will of GOD asking for things. Yet how many have responded to their lust calling it their need ! ? !! ?

So many times we respond to our lusts and lose sight of GOD...

When you lose GOD you lose more than GOD !

In your desperation for something else you can lose sight of GOD.

Psalm 23 the LORD is my Shepherd I shall not want ! --- This is not jsu David's Psalm, this is my Psalm.

If I can't be satisfied in the LORD then nothing else will satisfy me. If HE cant't quench the thirst of something I lack, then the thing I lack won't satisfy me either.

Matthew 15:21 shows us the Canaanite woman's desperate haggle for GOD's answers for her child's condition !

Another kind of desperation. A condition where you feel GOD has seemingly withdrawn from me. I seemingly don't get an answer to my prayer. I'm not desperate for the things but for YOU. I'm desperate for the crumbs but I am more desperate for YOU - LORD !!!

Naturally speaking, we can be tempted. In Matthew 4 JESUS was tempted with food, sensation n power. But HE chose to cry on the Cross 'I thirst' than to turn stone into bread !

The William Bowden story - He left his dairy empire to become a missionary in India. On the way to India, he died. Times Magazine published a story - ' What a waste ! ' No life poured out to GOD is wasted...

Some people don't believe that you could be called to lose something... Has those verses changed ? Has the plan of GOD changed ? I need to be satisfied in the LORD knowing that HE is my Shepherd and I shall not want !

In the life of a disciple there is nothing lacking. You leave a lot but nothing is lacking !

Francis D'Assisi. He was madly in love with a girl and he was about to get married. The call to get married was not as important as the call to missions.

Hudson Taylor refused a marriage proposal he was keen on only becos his fiance didn't feel led to the inland china mission field.
Where are those kind of people today???

You and I can get desperate about the things we really want and take us away from the purpose of GOD.

No point being rich in the wrong way !

Let's be CHRISTians like tht. This is nothing. I don't want to be trained by the world on how to live my life. The things HE wants me to do, the life HE wants me to live this is the desperation HE calls us to have !

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The Birth Of The Hymn Precious LORD - Tommy Dorsey

Back in 1932, I was a fairly new husband. My wife, Nettie and I were living in a little apartment on Chicago's south side. One hot August afternoon I had to go to St. Louis where I was to be the featured soloist at a large revival meeting. I didn't want to go; Nettie was in the last month of pregnancy with our first child, but a lot of people were expecting me in St. Louis. I kissed Nettie goodbye, clattered downstairs to our Model A and, in a fresh Lake Michigan breeze, chugged out of Chicago on Route 66.
However, outside the city, I discovered that in my anxiety at leaving, I had forgotten my music case. I wheeled around and headed back. I found Nettie sleeping peacefully. I hesitated by her bed; something was strongly telling me to stay But eager to get on my way, and not wanting to disturb Nettie, I shrugged off the feeling and quietly slipped out of the room with my music.
The next night, in the steaming St. Louis heat, the crowd called on me to sing again and again. When I finally sat down, a messenger boy ran up with a Western Union telegram. I ripped open the envelope...
Pasted on the yellow sheet were the words:
People were happily singing and clapping around me, but I could hardly keep from crying out.
I rushed to a phone and called home. All I could hear on the other end was "Nettie is dead Nettie is dead.'"
When I got back, I learned that Nettie had given birth to a boy. I swung between grief and joy. Yet that same night, the baby died. I buried Nettie and our little boy together, in the same casket. Then I fell apart. For days I closeted myself. I felt that God had done me an injustice. I didn't want to serve Him anymore or write gospel songs I just wanted to go back to that jazz world I once knew so well. But then, as I hunched alone in that dark apartment those first sad days, I thought back to the afternoon I went to St. Louis. Something kept telling me to stay with Nettie. Was that something God? Oh, if I had paid more attention to Him that day, I would have stayed and been with Nettie when she died.
From that moment on I vowed to listen more closely to Him. But still I was lost in grief. Everyone was kind to me, especially one friend. The following Saturday evening he took me up to Maloney's Poro College, a neighborhood music school. It was quiet; the late evening sun crept through the curtained windows.
I sat down at the piano, and my hands began to browse over the keys. Something happened to me then. I felt at peace. I felt as though I could reach out and touch God. I found myself playing a melody. Once in my head they just seemed to fall into place: 'Precious Lord, take my hand, lead me on, let me stand, I am tired, I am weak, I am worn, through the storm, through the night, lead me on to the light, take my hand, precious Lord, lead me home.'
The Lord gave me these words and melody, He also healed my spirit. I learned that when we are in our deepest grief, when we feel farthest from God, this is when He is closest, and when we are most open to His restoring power.
And so I go on living for God willingly and joyfully, until that Day comes when He will take me and gently lead me home.
- - - -Tommy Dorsey
For those too young to know who he is, Tommy Dorsey was a well-known bandleader in the 1930's and 40's.
Frank Sinatra got his big start & became famous w. his band.
Did you know that Tommy Dorsey wrote this song? What a wonderful story of how God CAN heal the brokenhearted!
Think on the message for a while....

Friday, July 19, 2013

The Greatest Trophy - A Changed Life

I thank GOD for giving me HIS heart for the lost. For HIS compassion.  For HIS power in prayer. For HIS answers to our asking.  For HIS love that casts out all fear. For HIS love that covers a multitude of sins.  For HIS love that is unconditional. And for HIS love that laid down HIS life for me. And HIS laid down life that gave me eternal life.

And what an honor to lead the lost, broken and lonely to the Way, the Truth and the Life.

I once had a jigsaw of 2000 pieces.  It made a beautiful scenery when put together.  The first time I opened the box i was all overwhelmed with so many tiny pieces.  It didnt make any sense.  The hues and small details on each piece seemed so different and independent of each other.  I looked at the picture on the box: a blue sky with light cotton clouds, a meadow with daisies that blended together and i wondered how am i ever going to put the picture together.  Discouraged I put the puzzle away.

Then one cold rainy day,  I took the box out and got down to doing it simply because I had nothing else to do. One piece after another fell into place. And then soon it was almost done but only a few pieces missing. More pieces found its place and the picture looked more complete.  And then what joy I felt when I placed the last missing piece and completed the jigsaw. 

We see broken lives shattered into a zillion pieces. And from the looks of it we'd never understand how they'd have the beautiful life JESUS came to give them. In our natural abilities we cant understand how GOD's love can deliver them.  But we take the first step of faith and share GOD'S love with them (prayerfully).  And slowly we see the many pieces of a broken life put together and becoming more and more beautiful. The Bible says 'LORD YOU know all things. No plan of yours can be thwarted.' Our lives find perspective only when we find HIS perspective for our lives.

What is more rewarding than to see a heart turn to CHRIST ! A heart turned to GOD is a life changed....

Like Anthony Bonner said: The greatest trophy - a changed life !

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

High Profiles and Big Names

I was strolling with my friend Nikita in the mall last week. We were discussing life, future plans and other things. And Nikita brought up her plan to apply for an immigrant visa sometime soon.

And thats when I remembered a girl I met in church who worked with the US Embassy. And I said it aloud... not meaning to brag but a general mention of the girl. And the mention of this got Nikita very excited. She was so happy about having a contact/ reference in the Embassy and already began imagining how easy the visa process could be !

I told her that the girl doesnt work here anymore and has returned to the States. And the mention of this brought such disappointment to Nikita that she could barely hide it.

And I quickly realized that there was a way to save the situation and her mood !

I told her not to worry about the girl who doesnt work here anymore because I have a bigger reference. Someone I know many levels higher who could help her get the visa very very easily with absolutely no hassles. I told her that this person I know is so influential that even the interview process will be a smooth sail through. And I told her that this person is so important and powerful that even Obama would have to listen to him... and his name is JESUS !

The mention of that suddenly seemed too cliche for my friend... you could tell from her expression that she was expecting a real person's name. Like Mr Simon Smith or Andy Drew or John Cooper  or something like that.

It brought to my memory the many times I have approached JESUS like that. Like as if HE isnt real or alive or able. I have been so familiar about HIM that I would rather look for a job  with a reference than with JESUS HIMself. I would rather depend on a real person with a real name than the biggest influence that goes with me. Many times I catch myself envying the daughter of Bill Gates or Narendra Modi or Sanjay Dutt for all the benefits they have because their father's are powerful and people of influence.

And that's when the HOLY SPIRIT reminds me that my FATHER is the KING of kings and the NAME above every name and that I am an undercover princess with a mansion in Heaven !

Monday, May 20, 2013

Why do bad things happen to good people ? Part II

Readers have had very interesting comments on my previous post... and I truy enjoyed reading everyone else's perspective on suffering, trials and tragedy. And no one has really ever got a handle on things such as these...neither have I !

The previous post was not so much of a conclusion of the topic but the truth of how '1' unGODly choice could not just steer you away from everything that is good for you but also cause you a great deal of harm.

If you are an Evolunist you may disagree. If you are a Creationist you will understand what I am about to say better.

GOD created man and woman to live in the Garden of Eden and enjoy HIS creation. They were rulers in the garden. They named every living creature and had dominion over everything. And then they got tempted by the devil. He lured them into eating the forbidden fruit. They ate it alright. They disobeyed GOD. And that was the beginning of the end. That was the start of human failure and falling. Since then every child born has potential to fail and fall.

Have you ever failed someone ? Have you been the cause of someone's downfall ?

The Bible says we all have. We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of GOD.

And every one of us has been failed by someone and has failed someone. I too have. Knowingly and unknowingly I have caused trouble. I have been the reason someone's heart broke. And I have been the reason someone cried. I have been the reason for loss and damage and disappointment.

And if you are one of the few peoople who hasn't... sit back and wait. And you will be. As hard as we try to live upright and honest lives. We fail and we fail others. We break people's trust and we dash people's hopes.

But thats not the tragedy. The tragedy is the vicious cycle - the trap of following one wrong move with another and another and another...

I have had the privilege of meeting with inmates and speaking with them about their crime.While a few criminals are flint faced and happy to be like that, most people in the cell live regret filled unhappy lives. They are unhappy and regret the choice they made. Some having committed gruesome murders hate themselves for doing that. They call it 'a moment of madness'. So often I have been a part of such  moments of madness. I mean seriously. Anything could have happened. Anything. I could have been in the jailhouse. But thank GOD I am here. Free.

Tragedies. All our lives will have one of these. The tragic death of a loved one, the tragic loss at stocks, the tragic end of a marriage, the tragic heart break, the tragic rape, the tragic violation, the tragic job loss, the tragic disease that hit you, the tragic theft, the tragic miscarriage... etc...

This is a hard truth to swallow... JESUS never promised a life without tragedies... HE promised to stick with us and take us through it. HE didnt say you would never have to walk through the valley of the shadow of death. But HE said when we do we needn't be afraid because HE will be right besides us. HE will comfort us and the waters wont drown us the fire wont burn us.

Why did the 2 year old girl get gang rapped by 5 pervert men ?
- Because they were sick pervert men.

What was the 2 year old's fault ?
- No fault of hers.

Then how do you process this ?
- Faith

Faith is knowing that GOD is at work even when I dont see anything.

Joseph had tragedy after tragedy hit him. From being a prince to being in the pit and being sold off as a slave by his own brothers then being falsely accused and then being a prisoner. It seemed like GOD wasnt around. It seemed like GOD had forgotten him and left him to himself. And yet the Bible says "the LORD was with Joseph". GOD allowed these tragedies to hit him and Joseph trusted his GOD.

Jacob, Joseph's father, was in the meanwhile battling his own tragedy. The tragic death of his favorite son - Joseph (his brother's lied to their father after selling Joseph off as a slave). While GOD was using Joseph in Egypt to be Israel's salvation, Jacob was depressed, imagining, and entertaining the devil's projection's, wallowing in self  pity "All things are against me !!!"

And when the story closes in, we see what GOD was really upto. How GOD alone could use 2 tragedies to be the salvation of an entire nation ! What if Joseph decided to turn bitter ? What if Joseph stopped trusting GOD ? What if Joseph used his tragedy as an excuse to walk away ? What if Joseph decided to vindicate himself instead of waiting on GOD ? What if Joseph made unGODly choices in Potiphar's house just because he was sold into slavery ? And then what if Joseph made unGODly choices in the prison because he was falsely accused ? And what if Joseph refused to operate in his gifting and interpret Pharaoh's cupbearer's and the baker's dreams ?

In reality tragedies are not partial to good people alone. But both the good and bad face tragedies. And bad things keep happening when we make unGODly choices. And get caught up in a web we cant get out of.

But if we do wait on GOD, we will discover HE judges in righteousness ! The guilty always pay. The righteous are always rewarded.

And if we do wait long enough, we also discover that the tragedy that was meant to cause destruction was actually GOD's salvation for Israel like in the case of Joseph.

And if we do wait long enough, we also discover that the tragedy that was meant to test us and prove our faith was used by GOD to double our portion like in the case of Job.

And if we do wait long enough, we also discover that the tragedy that was meant to demote us was actually GOD's school of training the greatest leader who ever lived like in the case of David.

And if we do wait long enough, we also discover that the tragedy meant to leave us poor and lonely and widowed was GOD preparing the setting for a beautiful marriage like in the case of Ruth.

And if we do wait long enough, we also discover that the tragedy meant to leave us old, single and hurting was GOD planning the beautiful and romantic story of 'the Biblical marriage' like in the case of Isaac.

And if we do wait long enough, we also discover that all these things that dont make any sense today will be used together for the good of those who love GOD and who are called to have a purpose in HIS kingdom.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Why do bad things happen to good people ?

"Why do bad things happen to good people ?", I'd often ask myself. Through my growing years I always imagined I was a good person. And bad things happened to me for no fault of mine !!!

A few weeks ago, I was on my way to prayer time. I picked mother after work. Her colleague, Meena was driving with us. And then at a red light we saw a family by the sidewalk. They lived there - below the poverty line. Malnourished. Dirty. Hungry. Lacking. And yet a sight so common in our country...

Meena was obviously disgusted with the state of affairs. She said aloud "Why so much disparity ? The rich become richer, the poor poorer ! Why cant the government take all the wealth from every man and then distribute it equally ? That way everyone would have equal. Why do bad things happen to good people ????". I almost grinned at her idea of Utopian living. How easy would that be ! A hundred different thoughts crossed my mind on the subject. And then I carefully chose to approach it...even hoping to use this as an opportunity to reveal GOD's heart to her.

I told her about a book I wanted to write, a book that would answer this questions - "Why do bad things happen to good people ?" And then I realised that the book could be summaried in one sentence - "Because of bad choices !" Thats it. That would be the start and the end of the very wise book. No index, no credits, no preface, no conclusion.

Even if the government took everyone's resources and distributed it equally yet there would be disparity. Most people would make bad choices and lose all that they were given. Some people would make right choices and grow. Some people would cheat and others would let themselves get cheated. Some people would work overtime and make their jobs their god and some people would fold their hands and slug away. Some people would invest the money in secure funds and some people would gamble their way. Some would win a bet and some would lose a bet. In less than a decade we would be in the same place.

I remember a strange case of wrong choices. At the orphanage I work, we have this little boy called Peter. His mother was rescued by an NGO from the Red Light area (the flesh trade market). She was taken off the city limits. Taught a new trade. Equipped for a new future. But the money she earned as a seamstress could not compare to the quick buck at the brothel. So she returned with Peter in less than a year. And then she didnt want Peter to live there so she asked the NGO to help her again. And they did. They fought for her and took her away. And this time she married a man. She thought he really loved her. But he married her only to sell her off into the flesh trade market again. He earned a lot of money. Abandoned her and ran off with all her money. This lady went back and forth for 5 years. Her son a victim of her bad/ wrong choices. Then she finally admitted him to Karuna Sharan and he lives here, studies and has a hope to a good life. We are equipping him to make right choices - GODly choices so that he enjoys a life that GOD meant for him to have. That he could in turn bless his children with the good life. That he would grow into a man of GOD and be CHRISTlike father.

So bad things happen to good people because of wrong choices !

Saturday, March 23, 2013

It's a pretty good plan to forget it.

An Excerpt from Forgive Me I'm Human - Dr Carl Stevens

If you see a tall fellow ahead of the crowd,
A leader of music, marching fearlessly and proud,
And know you know of a tale whose mere telling aloud
Would cause his proud heart to in anguish be bowed,
It's a pretty good plan to forget it.

If you know of a skeleton hidden away 
In a closet, and guarded and kept from the day
In the dark; whose showing, whose sudden display
Would cause grief and sorrow and lifelong dismay
It's a pretty good plan to forget it.

If you know of a spot in the life of a friend
(We all have spots concealed, world without end)
Whose touching his heartstrings would play or rend,
Till shame of its showing no grieving could mend,
It's a pretty good plan to forget it.

If you know of a thing that will darken the joy 
Of a man or a woman, a girl or a boy,
That will wipe out a smile or the least way annoy
A fellow, or cause any gladness to cloy
It's a pretty good plan to forget it.


Friday, March 22, 2013

Needs, Wants, Lusts v/s Care, Cross, Character - Ps Devendra

To be able to distinguish between Needs and Wants in our life
But my wants can become needs in my life and the lusts we can get entangled little by little.

In John 8 the woman was caught in adultery. JESUS was in the temple. They brought the woman caught in adultery to HIM. Verse 6 but JESUS stooped down n wrote with HIS finger as if HE heard them not.

The silence of GOD spks more powerfully than any words of man.

JESUS it seems like HE is not listening but HE is listening. HE is a personal GOD. HE can't be out of your life ever. HE cares !

The problem is a lot of times we try to care more than HE cares. My cares can mislead me but not HIS cares. HE is listening.

HIS fingers on the ground. The touch of GOD - how deep does it go ! HE is a loving GOD HE is JESUS. HE is real.

Christian life is not a religion it is Spiritual romance.

Comfort you are not my GOD !!!

Song of Songs 5:5 on the outside of the door JESUS is gently pushing the door. HE can open the door but HE won't. HE wants us to open the door.

The enemy lies to us 'its too much', 'its too much pressure'.

The little pressure we feel is what HE allows to move us forward. The pressures and cares and wants and lusts HE takes care of.

Don't entertain this idea that if you serve GOD you won't have fun.

Why did JESUS give them time by being silent ? John 8 We are not quick to judge, conclude, etc. We are not omniscient to understand people's lives. Grace gives people space to fall.

As JESUS's finger touched the ground HE touched their heart. The conviction of the Holy Spirit.

There is a kind of convinction that is purely moral in nature. But the conviction that changes is the Holy Spirit.

The earth is the arena for judgement and we are that woman. And the stones are the judgement. JESUS took the judgement. Love takes the risk. The Cross of CHRIST can gave me a new need...

I need to share the Gospel, I need to disciple people, I need to be there for the lost. It may hurt me a little bit. But its good for me. I want to receive the Word. And become fruitful. I want a progression. The kind of progression that makes me fruitful. What can hurt me ? What are my stones ? As long as YOU are with me nothing can hurt me. The Book of Isaiah 54:17 says 'no weapon formed against u will prosper'.

Those stones can't hurt you. No weapon formed against the WORD of GOD and the Work of GOD will prosper. We are safe in JESUS.

The enemy projects but no weapon formed against you shall prosper. In the Book of John 8 JESUS 'No LORD nothing can hurt. I am invincible in the perfect will of GOD. I don't have to limit GOD.

JESUS sets her free to go and sin no more.

GOD deals with character issues in HIS people. When I come to CHRIST, HE changes me. This is not a wish or a probability. HE sets the repentant sinner free. We can imagine. This woman must have been in bondage. She felt like everyone is dating and I want this for me too.

But JESUS says that if you truly abide in my Word you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.

1 cor 6:9-10 the list of sinners who won't inherit the Kingdom.

GOD wants to address chracter issues in my life and these issues hinder GOD's call in my life. Go and sin no more.

Vv11 but you r washed/ sanctified/ justified in the Name of JESUS & by the Spirit of GOD.

JESUS says I hv a greater purpose and a call. I am a walking testimony of who GOD is. There were stones coming at me and JESUS says go.

5 times JESUS says 'Go' Missions, Evangelism, Discipleship.

Ps Matti said dont neglect the call of GOD to the Middle East.

Who is missions for ? GOD is interested in you.

I am the adultress woman and GOD says 'GO'

Hudson Taylor's story is interesting that way. Before he went to the mission-field he was in love with a woman who was not interested in Missions and twice the engagement broke. But  that didn't concern him. 

Needs, wants, lusts v/s Care, Cross, Character

GOD uses man whom HE brings into that arena. I am there with u, I will take a hit on your behalf.... you just GO...!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Prayer Buckets, Myths and Nonsense

 When I'm thinking 'prayer' I'm thinking buckets. Buckets or categories or labels of prayers...

Red Bucket prayers in my head would mean serious cases like praying for someone very ill in the ER or ICU. Prayers related to serious emergencies on the Missionfield or Ministry. So this usually means intense praying for these cases like fasting and whole night praying. And praying everytime I think about the situation.

And then I have Orange Bucket prayers where its important but not so urgent. Like prayers related to unemployment or a family problem or board exams or an important interview. So I'll kneel and pray these prayers. With quite a degree of seriousness.

But then I also have a Yellow Bucket of prayers that I pray - for things like a promotion or a better job or a travel plan. And this one I pray enroute work. Just praying by and by.

When I pray prayers from the Green Bucket its usually very very relaxed prayers. I'm in my couch reading and pray casually for things like my desires. Half guilty and half ashamed about praying those prayers. I shy away and pray these with "0" or "no" intensity.

And after these years of following JESUS, I spent the last two weeks wondering "FATHER, when did I grow up? When did I get so 'mature' to think that only Red Bucket prayers impress YOU ? And since when did I start categorizing my prayers, petitions and requests assuming that this won't touch YOU and that will ???

GOD's been helping me burst these prayer myths:
1. GOD isnt interested in answering all kinds/ buckets/ categories of prayers
2. If I pray Green Bucket prayers fervently GOD's going to think I'm not growing up in my Christian walk.
3. GOD wants me to pray prayers related to Missions/ Ministries and HIS work above my desires.
4. GOD may or may not answer my prayers based on my personal needs. There is a 50/50 chance
5. Before praying for my needs I should look around and count myself blessed. How dare I pray for my allergies when another brother in church is terminally ill !
6. GOD has a quota on the number of prayers HE answers. If HE blessed me a lot in a given season I shouldnt expect any more.

These myths made my prayer life weak and ineffective. I slowly lost my passion to pray bold confident prayers for everything and anything imagining that the LORD finds such an attitude petty and childish.
I had been so busy categorizing/ labeling my prayers that I was often discouraged to ask my FATHER for things I wanted. Worried that GOD would view me as childish I stopped being childlike with HIM.

While we bucket our prayers HE stores all our prayers in a golden incense bowl in Heaven. There is absolutely no mention of urgency of prayers in the Bible. There is no mention of how many prayers GOD answers in a day, a week, a month, a year or in a lifetime. There is no data to support the myth that GOD answers prayers to heal faster than the prayers that seem petty to me. Or that HE ever told anyone not to pray a certain prayer. JESUS didn't tell the woman with the issue of blood that she was spiritually immature to expect a healing while a young child was so ill that she was going to die. Or to the blind man that he was silly to want to see when the KING of kings was going to die !
And somehow we all want to set aside praying for smaller needs instead of simply believing and expectantly believing and having faith in the ONE prayed to...

While I am not encouraging you to treat GOD as your vending machine, I'm asking you to approach the Throne of Grace boldly and confidently and make your smallest to your greatest requests known to GOD and HE has promised to bless you far above and beyond anything you can ever dare ask, think or imagine !

Monday, January 21, 2013

Pastor Schaller on 2013

To Everything There Is A Season
Posted on: Jan 07, 2013
Pastor Thomas Schaller
"To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck what is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance" (Ecclesiastes 3:1-4).

The New Year is upon us and in many ways, as Ecclesiastes reveals, it will be like all other years. Some will be born, some will die. There will be weeping, tears, and also laughter. We celebrate as we turn the page on our calendars, but things are not that different. Really, there is nothing new; we live in the same world. The earth begins another trip around the sun and we mark this, we see the times and the seasons. We recognize and reflect on what has happened and look forward to what's ahead.

David wrote in Psalm 90 that 70 or 80 years is a good, long life if it is lived in the purpose of God. We are to ask God to teach us how to "number our days" -- we are to number not our years, but our days (Ps. 90:12). There are only so many for each of us.

Let's refuse to manage our life our way; may we learn to go with the flow of what God is doing. If something is lost, recognize that this could be the hand of God at work. If something is gained, that, too, will come from Him.

"A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones; A time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; a time to gain, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to throw away; a time to tear, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; a time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace" (Ecclesiastes 3:5-8).

Will this year bring wars? Yes, but we also hope for peace. Yet we know that this is a strange and changing world. We see God at work, but also we see the heartbrokenness and death. We were not made for death and its sting. We hope not to see so much of it. If we do see death, we know that Jesus, who wept at the tomb of Lazarus (John 11), knows about it and is moved by it, too.

Here's good news: we will be present with the Lord -- soon, we hope. There will be no more tears, no more sorrows, no more hospitals, no more police stations, no more losing. Then and there will be only gaining, only increasing in understanding the deep things.

Our hope and our knowledge is in Him who never changes. By His great counsels, we are able to be giant-killers and branches reaching over strong walls; we are able to grow as missionaries, pastors, leaders, and servants.

May this year bring new chapters in our lives with God. Let it be a year of God doing something. Let's ask Him for His mercy. May He shower us with His love, answer our prayers, encourage us, and empower us. May He stir in us a hunger and a desire that we haven't had recently.

Let us think about God's love for us. Let us think of God's healing for us, His faithfulness to us, and His way for us. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Our Choosing

I read an article that spoke about a discovery related to unfaithfulness. Scientists have now discovered the chromosome in man's DNA that determines unfaithfulness. So by genetically modifying that chromosome your partner would lose his/ her potential to cheat on you.

In response to this discovery, celebrities were asked if they would use this to have an honest relationship with their spouse. The answer was obviously a big NO!
People said they want their partners to be faithful out of love and out of choice. 

And GOD gave us a free will so that we can choose to love HIM and obey HIM. We were not created to be robots. Just going through the motions of life. We were created with a choice so that we choose to obey and love GOD.

Isnt that beautiful ? That GOD would want us to love HIM without manipulating us or engineering us to do that. 

At the end of life's journey when we stand face to face before a very Holy GOD we would be surprised to see just how much potential we really had in the life we lived. We would see just how far we strayed away from GOD's real plan for our lives, "If only we listened !" Then we would embarrassingly discover the endless possibilities and the great life that we traded in for the good life. We dont want to be standing before HIS Throne thinking I lived a life but wasted my chance.

So the things that happen dont just happen. But we chose to do those certain somethings 
that brought us to where we are. And if we'd only dare to rededicate our lives even after a big blow up or I let you down, GOD can work all those things together and then use it to bring out something good when we love HIM and HE will fulfill HIS purposes for our lives !

So we haven't really been programmed to live the life we lead. But we choose to do things our way every once in a while. So we fail miserably every once in a while. Then we go to Our FATHER and admit we have so that HE  can take over and over rule our choices....