Saturday, August 11, 2012

Though HE slay me still i will trust in HIM

I was in an intense time of prayer where I was half frustrated and half desperate over a few unanswered prayer requests.

I cried out to GOD asking, begging, pleading that HE move, work and make those things happen for me. Reminding HIM of all the promises HE made to me in the Bible about answering prayer. I reminded HIM about HIS promise to answer frail prayers, faintest sighs and fervent cries. 

In a desperate cry to HIM, almost in an act of resignation, I told HIM that even if HE slay me still I will trust only HIM. And just as I said that I was reminded that HE was slain for me. In heaven I'd see HIS scars and then perhaps understand how much it meant to bear my sins upon that Cross. HIS scars would keep me forever indebted to HIM.

And I could never be slain by someone who loved me enough to get slain for me!

If GOD didn't spare HIS only SON but freely gave HIM up to die in my place, then wouldn't HE along with JESUS freely give me all that I need ? ? ?

So humbled and so ashamed I that i'd ever think that my slain Savior could have slayed me!

Friday, August 3, 2012

To Hit Rock Bottom

We read biographies and observe lives that are tremendous stories of success in entertainment, politics, businesses or careers. We know how those small beginnings took people to the peak only to hurl them crashing down.  And in our own little way we have been there too. We have in our lives of limited influence scaled up our very own mole hills and just when we imagined we got it all together we fell face down.

To fall face down for me is today a very satisfying place in life. To fall face down before HIS Throne of Power and Might and surrender to HIM knowing that I am powerless to stand up and move ahead without HIM. To submit to HIM knowing that HE knows it all and HE knows it best.

And when I cringe in pain so unbearable. And when I`m writhing in pain so severe and incurable I know HE came to cure my incurable wound. And by HIS stripes I am healed. And I know in my afflictions HE is afflicted. And when I cry HE collects my tears in a bottle and writes the reason for my tears in HIS book.

Face Down and Rock Bottom are now good things. Face Down and Rock Bottom are now reasons to fellowship in HIS suffering. To be broken so HE can pour into us afresh HIS peace that guards our hearts and minds and HIS joy that is our unsurpassing strength and HIS love that is never failing but everlasting.

Do we have to hit rock bottom to realize that GOD is all this and more than enough?