Thursday, December 17, 2015

Such A Waste Of Time...

So often things happen in life...the kind of things that don't translate into success. Like the two jobs I was interviewing for the last couple of weeks. Everything seemed to be going so well. And then, at the tail end of it, neither came through. 

With failure comes introspection... thoughts such as "What did I do wrong?" or "What did I say wrong?" or "What could I have done differently" and such... with failure also comes comparison and that begets negativity and that births resentment. Naturally!

But Spiritually speaking, God knows. Nothing that happens is outside His will and His timing.

I cannot comprehend what this loss means. What seemed like a miraculous answer to prayer didn't end positively. And this wasn't the first time. I cannot understand why GOD would put me through this interview when it was never meant to be. When I have been praying and waiting on Him for a breakthrough for so long now. And there are many events in my life and in the life of any Christian that seem to end like this ...this never makes sense to my logical mind. And this is when I have to allow faith to takeover sight, and feelings and logic and reason and I have to make a stubborn choice to trust the Lord with all that is within me, to know in a very real and experiential way that He alone is in complete control over every single detail. In things that pan out and in things that don't, He is still making a way.

God is always surprising me. In the past I just could not handle a disappointment well because I did not know my God well enough. But as God showed me His faithfulness from one test to another trial, I began to discover how wonderfully He works. Even in the most hopeless of situations He has something for me, so often He does something for me...something always so marvelous and so praiseworthy. This encourages me to pray and to stand on His promises and to keep on going on.

I don't know how, or what, or when...but I know He knows exactly how I feel right this moment and what He did in the past He will do again...

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

We Are the King's Ambassadors

  A certain fellow took a trip on an airplane and was seated next to a chemist. “I know a little
bit about chemistry,” the fellow told the chemist, and he proceeded to rattle off a couple of formulas. After some discussion, the chemist was obviously impressed with his knowledge.  “Say, you do know a little bit about chemistry,” the chemist said. “What do you do?”  “I am an ambassador,” the fellow said. “I represent the King.”
“I have never met an ambassador before. So you were sent here from another country?”
“Yes, I was.”
“So, you are only here temporarily?”
The traveler said, “Yes, that’s right.”
“What king do you serve?” the chemist asked.
“I represent King Jesus,” was the man’s answer.

“He sent me, and He is seeking for you. He wanted to bring you a message, to show you kindness and mercy, and to pour out His love to you.”
The chemist prayed to receive Christ and was saved.

                                                                   Excerpt from Called to the King’s Table by Dr Carl Stevens