Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Gracism...A Higher Standard - Ps Mike Robinet

Some of the most popular preachers preach that grace has no demands. But Bible theology teaches that grace makes us righteous. Rom 8:2-4 what the law didn't do for me GOD sent JESUS to do for me !

GOD's grace alone makes me righteous. Trusting only in JESUS's blood. Just receiving JESUS's grace even though I didn't deserve it.

A practical righteousness because of GOD's grace. The law couldn't cause me to want to serve GOD but HIS grace makes me want to do that.

Sometimes we distort grace by saying that grace takes away my responsibility. Grace doesn't diminish my responsibility but JESUS said grace increases it.

To whom much is given much is expected Luke 12:48.

If I understand grace, there are things required of me than others. Grace makes us more responsible. The person who understands grace is the most responsible Christian... Grace says I want to read the Bible, I want to pray, I have to do things that are right things... Grace doesn't diminish responsibility but increases it. JESUS said to whom much is given much is expected !

GOD has allowed me to go to a good church that teaches me the Bible, to go to a Bible college, to serve GOD and do GOD's will. What other person than me has a bigger responsibility. True Theology has a higher standard than the law.

So many people are afraid of the law. But if people really understood grace they would accept it. Because grace has a higher standard than the law !!!

The fruit of Grace has a higher standard.
Grace gives us the power to fulfill the standards set by the law.

Galatians is the book of grace. Its totally in grace. We have total liberty in CHRIST. No tradition, no church law, no rules - free from rules and free from law. But we don't use this as an opportunity for the flesh.

Grace is freedom to obey our Savior.

When it comes to soul winning there is something greater than compassion, the freedom to obey our Savior.

JESUS didn't die on the Cross simply becos HE loves you... Because it was the FATHER's will !

Grace gives me the freedom to say yes to JESUS ! We will be greater soul winners if we do things because of the freedom to obey because of grace.

Grace says I can but for JESUS I won't !!!

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